Tuesday, April 18, 2006


okay my first entry on odac22.blogspot is so not going to be another one of gerald tay a.k.a squeezee's funny antics. what im gonna say is of high importance and should be taken to serious consideration and ponderation by everyone of "Raffles Junior College OutDoor Activities Club batch of 06" (quote hulin).

people people!! the fantabulous z'ODAC is dying!

ok for those of you who still do not know what the fish that is, z'ODAC is a wonderful og-gathering-looking thing that a few of us have come up with. reason for this is for us manly dudes and dudettes to jux sit together (almost) every morning to talk rubbish! this would apply especially to those who 1) have screwed up OG's 2) hate their screwed up OG's 3) need to source for tutorials to copy last minute 4) simply love to arrive early in school and THEN look for smth to do etc.etc.

ok on a more serious note. we ARE odacians of batch 06, and have been brought together by fate or some other reason which u'd like to believe in. so we should really treasure each other and try to spend time with each other more often! a good reason for this is -> up to late we've been really busy with our skills trainings, that refering to 2 star kayaking and lvl 2 sport climbing. this ALSO means that we have not had much chance to interact fully as a batch! as in group A pple dun see group B pple, group B pple dun see group A pple. therefore, my point being, we should ALL try to come down and see each other! (yes gerald tay wants u to see more of him. much more) more stuff that can be done can be found in gerald tay's post on the odac egroups.

now that ive said my pis..i mean piece, all of us should make an added effort to come down for Z'ODAC GATHERINGS!! <333

btw: if ure there and u dun see anyone around, there may be a few reasons to this. 1) you are in school and the time is 6am wadthefish 2) the odacians higher up the man-o-meter are working out at the track 3) its a tuesday/thursday and u realise soon enough that many of us are at students venture. however please do not let this stop u from coming down to the outside-council-room area (oh ya thats where we are if u havent realised just yet) less often than u really wish to! cos after all mr and miss leong's og is just there and they are really friendly and nice and odac-loving and did i mention friendly and u could talk to them too (:

so once again PLEASE COME DOWN for z'ODAC meetings (:

gavannnn loved ODAC at 10:10 PM

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